All the cone basis reflect ball like shit.
Karlsruhe netted goal was quite perfect. Just need an issue to make the ball stay in goal after a shot, like in rink hockey.
With netted goals, no more safe from behind, no more argument about heigt of shoot etc...
I know that they have cone base... "for style" tell the builder. And they aren't netted... to expensive for now. But, play with this have many advantage:
You can see when the goals is in or not, even with low light. You can check if a defensor play over the top bar or not. No more fucking weird shot by passing all the bike from side to side of the goal. Some nice deflection on the top bar to goal, like in soccer.
The top bar heigt is just under a handlebar from a bike not too big, trackstand goaling aren't realy different from cone trackstand.
All the cone basis reflect ball like shit.
Karlsruhe netted goal was quite perfect. Just need an issue to make the ball stay in goal after a shot, like in rink hockey.
With netted goals, no more safe from behind, no more argument about heigt of shoot etc...
In Geneva we play with our home made goal, you can see it here:
I know that they have cone base... "for style" tell the builder. And they aren't netted... to expensive for now. But, play with this have many advantage:
You can see when the goals is in or not, even with low light. You can check if a defensor play over the top bar or not. No more fucking weird shot by passing all the bike from side to side of the goal. Some nice deflection on the top bar to goal, like in soccer.
The top bar heigt is just under a handlebar from a bike not too big, trackstand goaling aren't realy different from cone trackstand.