Credit cards for online shopping and Airmiles and pay them every month. this is not the first time i have heard these twats pulling offers. best bet is to apply for their card, take the introductory offer and send the card back telling them to get fkd, keeping the introductory offers.
with effort you can make it work for you
Overall i hate banks, they changed the interest rate on one of my savings accounts to 0.01% without telling me, i made no money for months on all my hard earned savings but the cunts called me to try to sell me a loan and card protection.. card fucking protection. you are a fucking bank cunt face, looking after my account is your fucking job!
Do i go into starbucks and pay extra for the woman to heat the milk, a little more for the cup and some extra for milk! why buy a dog and bark your fucking self..
Still they have been hit hard. 11.6bn profit.. what a kick in the balls
Credit cards for online shopping and Airmiles and pay them every month. this is not the first time i have heard these twats pulling offers. best bet is to apply for their card, take the introductory offer and send the card back telling them to get fkd, keeping the introductory offers.
with effort you can make it work for you
Overall i hate banks, they changed the interest rate on one of my savings accounts to 0.01% without telling me, i made no money for months on all my hard earned savings but the cunts called me to try to sell me a loan and card protection.. card fucking protection. you are a fucking bank cunt face, looking after my account is your fucking job!
Do i go into starbucks and pay extra for the woman to heat the milk, a little more for the cup and some extra for milk! why buy a dog and bark your fucking self..
Still they have been hit hard. 11.6bn profit.. what a kick in the balls