• Ahhh...simple watson...

    looked at your times, surmised you had a wooden leg...and from there worked out you also had an eyepatch.

    Ahh the return of harmony and mutual lack...or the lack of!

    Wingedangel...you are totally correct about how certain events get ignored...and the famine is one that should not be ignored...ever!.....Ask someone in the street to name a German and they will probably say Hitler [even though he was from Austria]....not Bach or Beethoven or Schiller etc etc......Sad!

    I started the Dresden threat...partly because it is of interest to me and it was the 65th anniversary.....but i have gained a lot from the input from people who have contributed to this thread including yourself, Okiver et al...and hopefully you from me...but most important that open and frank debate is important focussing on the issues and not personalities.
