• #2
• #3
There are training courses for cyclists, but only one in 100 has participated and most don't even know that they exist. Thus an inebriated 15-year-old youth who has never been in the saddle, can jump on a bike and wreak havoc on our streets.
As I wobbled along London's roads, nearly hitting every pedestrian and car, riding the wrong way up one-way streets, I was petrified and hysterical, screaming every curse I knew. After three days, disgusted with myself and unwilling to commit manslaughter, I rode on to the kerb - deliberately, of course - and fell down. I hailed a taxi and put my bike in it, to the annoyance of the driver. 'Take me home,' I bleated to the driver. I have never cycled since.
What a pathetic bint
• #4
Gotta love the Daily Mail. It's been working hard to bring shoddy journalism to the masses for over a century. Remember their motto, if you can't tar them all with the same brush,
you're a vile liberal apologist and colluder of Broken Britain (tm)it's not worth tarring them at all.I have to say that it is becoming very discriminatory though, they only seem to want to accept opinion pieces from the biggest fuckwits. I'm sure it's a kind of racism.
• #5
and so badly written...
• #6
and so badly written...
I know, it's beautiful isn't it.
• #7
Oh, and burn those cyclists' bodysuits. Only bronzed continentals can get away with wearing outfits that make the English, with our cheesestraw legs, look like giant insects.
..well she does have a point, Ive seen DJ in his TT skinsuit
• #8
I couldn't read all of this smug cunt's ramblings, got about this far:Yet Brussels is now proposing to make motorists responsible for all accidents involving cyclists, irrespective of who was actually in the wrong.
No, actually Petronella, they are not. Do some fucking research you stupid bitch.
So if you are driving responsibly along the street and you are hit by a cyclist who has shot a red light, done a wheelie and is listening to his iPod, you will have to pay for damage to the bike and compensation for the cyclist's injuries.
Can't wait for this law to come into effect, imma do sick skidz all over your car, and when I fixieskidz through my tyre, you have to pay for a new one! HAHAHA!Edit, only just saw this...
Oh, and burn those cyclists' bodysuits. Only bronzed continentals can get away with wearing outfits that make the English, with our cheesestraw legs, look like giant insects.
Fuck you! I don't talk about how your face looks like a fucking pug*, do I? Cheesestraw legs? Pah! -
• #9
I did three paragraphs and then closed the tab.
• #10
edit edit edit
• #11
cant believe she actually think there ought to be a cycling license. and what the fuck was that about wheat free pasta? i hate wheat free pasta.
• #12
When I was mugged two years ago in Kensington, West London, it was by a youth on a bike who rode on to the pavement, snatched my bag and disappeared at high speed. No one could stop him, **even after I yelled that the bag was a fake.
**holy fuck...
• #13
What a pathetic bint
those two quotes reveal exactly the type of populist writing that gets into large circulation press every day, to the detriment of everyones knowledge,
love to know where she got that stat? (pulled it out of the aga probably)
they are exactly the two quotes I would have picked too K, nice one. -
• #14
holy fuck...
Funding terrorism and prostitution. Oh, the gall...
• #15
I couldn't read all of this smug cunt's ramblings, got about this far:
No, actually Petronella, they are not. Do some fucking research you stupid bitch. Can't wait for this law to come into effect, imma do sick skidz all over your car, and when I fixieskidz through my tyre, you have to pay for a new one! HAHAHA!Edit, only just saw this...
Fuck you! I don't talk about how your face looks like a fucking pug*, do I? Cheesestraw legs? Pah!bad day Andy?
phew! -
• #16
Wyatt, known to her friends as "Petsy," lives with her mother.
Enough said.
• #17
nice fuckin bike too, Petsy...
• #18
Haha! Exactly the kind of article the Mail would produce.
• #19
nice fuckin bike too, Petsy...
missing a bit of gorgeous baby blue though........
• #20
She is, quite simply, a cnut.
• #21
Utter Cant from Petronella !
This wouldn't be Petronella daughter of Woodrow (The Voice of Reason) Wyatt writing in The Daily Mail (the organ that supported Hitler) would it ? Nice to see the subs have a sense of humour given her documented err Ugandan discussions with the Mayor ! Hell hath no fury eh ! -
• #22
(the organ that supported Hitler)
EDIT: Apparently this is NSFW, but it is pretty mild.
• #23
What a fucking joke.
I've just sat here laughing at what shes said. What an utter bint.
• #24
Jesus christ!!!!
• #25
I couldn't read all of this smug cunt's ramblings, got about this far:
No, actually Petronella, they are not. Do some fucking research you stupid bitch. Can't wait for this law to come into effect, imma do sick skidz all over your car, and when I fixieskidz through my tyre, you have to pay for a new one! HAHAHA!Edit, only just saw this...
Fuck you! I don't talk about how your face looks like a fucking pug*, do I? Cheesestraw legs? Pah!Ha ha!
Just seen this ridiculous article on cycling by the ever lovable daily mail.
Simple rule is that if the cyclist was travelling faster, they would have missed the elderly.
Checked the first few pages and couldn;t see anything about this but if it's a repost then apologies etc