• I'm not sure of the point though? If you're using bullhorns you could use drops. If you're using drop bars you could just hold the tops (nearside of levers) for the same effect.

    the best solution is to just add some old brake hoods on a drop bar.

    I actually think this is quite a good idea. It would do (for hand positions) exactly what road handlebars + hoods do, but without superfluous brake levers or those fucking shite dummy stumps suggested above.

    Well, wouldn't it be just the ticket for some brakless fixie-biker who wanted the best of both worlds? ;)

    Sadly, it would never be allowed on the track for those people who would rather be on the tops than on the drops, he, he.

    Perhaps Bike Destroyer should now change his forum name to 'Bike Designer'? Although he might benefit from an apprenticeship with scraggie borsha first. :)
