**Biodiesel : **Biodiesel does not appear to have been recognised as a form of fuel until Budget 2002. The rate of excise duty for biodiesel is £0.20 per litre less than the rate of duty for Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD). In Budget 2008 it was announced that the current duty differential of £0.20 per litre for biofuels for road use will cease from 2010. Duty thereafter will be charged at the same rate as main road fuels.
**Biodiesel : **Biodiesel does not appear to have been recognised as a form of fuel until Budget 2002. The rate of excise duty for biodiesel is £0.20 per litre less than the rate of duty for Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD). In Budget 2008 it was announced that the current duty differential of £0.20 per litre for biofuels for road use will cease from 2010. Duty thereafter will be charged at the same rate as main road fuels.