Well that kind of thing is already happening, Section 44 of the Terrorism Act gives the police the power to stop and search anyone that want within a designated geographical area - under this act the police do not need to suspect you of having done anything wrong (no requirement for reasonable suspicion - no requirement that you have done or are going to do anything wrong) - this extraordinary power - literally the profound power for one group within the community to exercise absolute and unaccountable dominion over the rest of the community - is clearly legislated to be temporary (the maximum authorization lasts 28 days) and restricted to a limited geographical area.
This is true but you can ask for:
[]Their name and the station where they work (unless the search is in relation to suspected terrorist activity or giving his or her name may place the officer in danger. They must then give a warrant card or identification number)
[]The law under which you have been stopped
[]Your rights
[]Why you have been stopped and searched
[]Why they chose you
[]What they are looking for
The police officer will ask for your name and address and date of birth. You do not have to give this information if you don’t want to, unless the police officer says they are reporting you for an offence.
This includes the handing over of goods.
If carried out properly it is a pain in the arse and waste of time... BUT it can be made more of an inconvinience to them.
I keep these lists in a pad in my camera bag. if they get annoyed you also make a note of that. you can then report them
Man size wheelies, they are this years Deep Vs! no one will see it coming
This is true but you can ask for:
This includes the handing over of goods.
If carried out properly it is a pain in the arse and waste of time... BUT it can be made more of an inconvinience to them.
I keep these lists in a pad in my camera bag. if they get annoyed you also make a note of that. you can then report them
Man size wheelies, they are this years Deep Vs! no one will see it coming