I've got one, and it's noisier than a Phil Wood. More noise = less efficient, presumably, although that's likely down to the shaping rather than the coating. I also think there are probably better coatings available for sprockets and chainrings than TiN, albeit with less bling factor. TiN is sold on the back of it's hardness, but as we all know uncoated 7075T6 aluminium alloy is actually plenty hard enough for chainrings, and even sprockets if you don't mind replacing them a bit more frequently than steel ones. What we need is something with reduced friction, an although TiN is an improvement over steel, there are other candidates which knock it into a cocked hat for friction properties in return for a loss of a little of the wear resistance which we can comfortably afford to sacrifice. MoST looks like a very promising candidate for a drivetrain coating.
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