• #22202
Don;t know much about the Allez frame, but for a bottom bracket, chrome forks and chain all inclusive, ithttp://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170434356656&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_500wt_960 looks like a pretty good deal
• #22203
Dont know much about Allez frame, but for chrome forks, BB, and chain I wouldnt complain...
• #22205
^that is purdy
• #22206
Nice Campagnolo 165 Pista crankset, especially if your doing a 1983 restoration............
• #22207
thats one of those frames that was posted on here on here last week...
some of us were wondering what they looked like with wheels, well....there you go.
tight clearance on the back wheel, though what is happening with the bars at the stem?
thats such a throw together, mirage cranks £20...Wheels, any available in right size...
bingo...600 holes...
• #22208
just there....
Now there's a "bargain"...............................
they are ally and still weigh nearly 3 kilos...
Weight: 700Cx480-580MM Frame 1934-2178 grams(include frame+drop out+bolt,seat clamp), Fork 740-780 grams, Headset 126 grams.** -
• #22209
"Amazing low pro" their words but quite unusual.
• #22210
someone buy this its great;
• #22211
just there....
they are ally and still weigh nearly 3 kilos...
Weight: 700Cx480-580MM Frame 1934-2178 grams(include frame+drop out+bolt,seat clamp), Fork 740-780 grams, Headset 126 grams.**Them things are all over ebay, are they pieces of shit?
• #22212
new back wheel and maybe forks and this would be nice
• #22213
this might end up cheap - happens to be my second fav frame - actually maybe third now
• #22216
new back wheel and maybe forks and this would be nice
• #22217
Them things are all over ebay, are they pieces of shit?
##As someone said last week if you stepped over the plum vanquer for sale in the classifieds to buy this(or something similar), then the jokes would be on you.
£600 can buy you a lot of really nice bike, you could buy a colnago frame from hilary and some nice wheels and running gear for the same money...
They aren't that light or pretty and would ony lose money, whereas the plum would only appreciate, it would ride nicer, roll better, and would give you many years of enjoyable cycling.
I would have thought the other would only bring you a headache, and also loads of yutes thinking it was the bomb trying to pinch it... -
• #22218
apologies, hadnt seen it tucked away there
• #22219
nice girlfriend bike
Gah, a couple of inches bigger and that would be perfect.
Or perhaps I could make the girlfriend a few inches shorter...
• #22220
Gah, a couple of inches bigger and that would be perfect.
Or perhaps I could make the girlfriend a few inches shorter...
Thats what... No, that makes her a a...
forget it.
• #22222
Carbon bling
Looks like a painted Chinese blank to me
• #22223
dan from holloway cycles had a 62cm version of that gold geoff butler, lovely bike
• #22224
auction ended, who has bought that monster? maxcrowe???
• #22225
.............insert pic of blue jacket further up this page.................
Listing says RRP is £80 but utfs and it seems to be £200 and the jacket gets good reviews.
Too big for me...
another one is available size large.
That really is a lovely frame , compare that one to Boons and you will find that
it got alot of things in common. ;)