• #977
All that flouro this morning must've damaged your eyesight. :P
• #978
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20 (running total £846)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Velocio - £20
• #979
I'm off to have a camomile tea.
• #980
Donated £2.12 - bit cheap I know, but it's all I had in my Paypal account.
• #981
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20 (running total £846)
37 ANON £100 (£946
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Velocio - £20
• #982
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20 (running total £846)
37 ANON £100 (£946
38 Skully £50.14 (£996)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Velocio - £20
• #983
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20 (running total £846)
37 ANON £100 (£946
38 Skully £50.14 (£996)
39 marcom £20
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Velocio - £20
• #984
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20 (running total £846)
37 ANON £100 (£946
38 Skully £50.14 (£996)
39 marcom £20 (£1,016)
40 Sparky - £2.12 (Sorry for size, all I had in Paypal.) (£1,018.12)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Velocio - £20
• #985
ANON, your generosity is truely humbling.
And to think I thought you were a twat with all those record with the over use of warbley voice synthisizers.
• #986
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Velocio - £20
• #987
At this rate I reckon the wake's going to be at the Ritz ...
• #988
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £150.14
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,068)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Velocio - £20
• #989
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- Velocio - £20
• #990
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- Velocio - £20
• #991
sorry didn't read it right..phone fail will sort it out tomorrow
• #992
At this rate I reckon the wake's going to be at the Ritz ...
You jinxed it, Scully, completely stopped donations!
• #993
Or I hadn't hit refresh. [Ashamed]
• #994
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- Velocio - £20
• #995
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Velocio - £20
• #996
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
- Lileth
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Velocio - £20
• #997
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £100
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12 (£1,018)
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 SpinFTW - 10 (1133.14)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
- Lileth
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Velocio - £20
• #998
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £150
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 SpinFTW - 10 (1183)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
- Lileth
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Lileth
fixed after DJ's Post.
I will not be able to make the funeral, so I send my love to Paul and all of you on that day.
Best Wishes, Henry - Velocio - £20
• #999
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £150
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 SpinFTW - 10 (1183)
46 middleofnowhere 20 (1203)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
- Lileth
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Velocio - £20
• #1000
A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before youDonations:
- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- joe smith - £50
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl Villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- furious tiles - £20
- dancing james - £20
- moog - £10
- murtle - 20
- jonny - £50.14
- Oliver Schick - £20
- Rod Munch - £20
- BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- CasaSteve - £10
- The Seldom Killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- spins £20
- damo- £20
- jaygee & VeeVee - £60
- Jung £30
- town £10
- willo £15
- slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two Omegas £20
- Sammy Dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy P £30
36 Jacqui £20
37 ANON £150
38 Skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 Sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 Edd 13 - 10
43 VanUden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 SpinFTW - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 Aroogah - £30 (Running total £1233)
Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending Funeral
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- moog
- trum
- jonny
- Oliver Schick
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
- Jung
- slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- marcom
- shoots
- habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
Attending Wake
- Dancing James
- alien
- Velocio
- ladystardust
- Joe Smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- furious tiles
- Dropout
- moog
- murtle
- jonny
- BlueQuinn
- mc_nebula
- tricitybendix
16.Clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver Schick
- Owen
- spins
- damo
- jaygee
- VeeVee
25.Jung - slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two Omegas
- Sammy Dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- shoots
- VanUden (if I can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Velocio - £20
Good work, people... We should have this licked by lunchtime at this rate... +1 to what Hong Kong Ladyboy said, Paul's gonna get a great send off... :] xxx