why did you sell it? just needed the money at the time or something?
I'm still gonna use my fuji for work, i have a 58cm and it's pretty much identical to my 56cm steamroller. The 56cm fuji, has a toptube of 54! Fuji need to sort that shit out.
Anyway, yeah get a bigger fuji or a normal size 'roller. I love them both. I've had a bob jackson, bareknuckle, and tried out loads of high end frames but traded them all in for the fuji track and the steamroller. Awesome bikes
why did you sell it? just needed the money at the time or something?
I'm still gonna use my fuji for work, i have a 58cm and it's pretty much identical to my 56cm steamroller. The 56cm fuji, has a toptube of 54! Fuji need to sort that shit out.
Anyway, yeah get a bigger fuji or a normal size 'roller. I love them both. I've had a bob jackson, bareknuckle, and tried out loads of high end frames but traded them all in for the fuji track and the steamroller. Awesome bikes