Havn't been checking here much since the move and have just read all this.
I first met paul when I sold him this... (He'd appreciate the image I'm sure)
...three years ago that he was buying for a friend.
He was instantly lovely and had a cup of tea with me and my girlfriend, Anna.
I couldn't get over the cuts and bruises all over his face which he explained as a 'little bump'.
After about half an hour he bid us farewell and proceeded to strap 2 wheels and everything but the frame on his back and set off down the road on what I'm sure wasn't a quick trip. We were in Whitechapel.
Anna and I looked at each other in awe.
This truly saddened me to read what had happened but all the amazing effort and love from the forum has made me smile.
Havn't been checking here much since the move and have just read all this.
I first met paul when I sold him this... (He'd appreciate the image I'm sure)
...three years ago that he was buying for a friend.
He was instantly lovely and had a cup of tea with me and my girlfriend, Anna.
I couldn't get over the cuts and bruises all over his face which he explained as a 'little bump'.
After about half an hour he bid us farewell and proceeded to strap 2 wheels and everything but the frame on his back and set off down the road on what I'm sure wasn't a quick trip. We were in Whitechapel.
Anna and I looked at each other in awe.
This truly saddened me to read what had happened but all the amazing effort and love from the forum has made me smile.
R.I.P Fiddy.
An amazing man.