• I personally don't see that - and I've been on the car thread from the start. Granted there are a lot of people who don't like the idea of a thread on cars - especially given the stuff we have to put up with on the roads most days - but I genuinely haven't encountered anything like that.

    If that's the case, I would genuinely like to see how that's come about - I'm the kind of guy who likes to find the root cause and then work on ways of improving the situation, instead of letting things just fester.

    That said though, I think a lot of things have happened on this forum that people attribute to certain members who in actuality had nothing to do with them. Some people may want to consider this in future...

    It not what you say but more how you say it, in that thread right from the first few pages the comments on both sides appear to me to be snide remarks through a smile. On the pro thread side mmaccarthy presents the case in a lot less antagonistic / manor hence he gets a lot less shit. If it can appear that way to me then it can appear that way to others.

    Me and Texas had quite a large heated debate on that thread, we bumped into each other at drinks, after about 10 minutes we were both talking about how much of a knob Jeremy Clarkson is. Meeting in real life seems to solve every forum argument, people act like normal people and not like keyboard warriors.

    Defiantly, and Jeremy Clarkson is only out to sell his books, he has to act like an ass hat.
