That is such a beautiful idea, she was certainly the queen of my heart, she brought so much joy to everyone she touched, there was something magical about Diana, something 'spiritual', something of the divine, I know personally of two people who had their lives changed just by meeting her - and changed for the better - much better, her work in the hospitals (when she would visit the patients) made the doctors and nurses look like the useless cunts they were as they flapped around like clueless idiots as Diana went from ward to ward curing the unwell and raising the dead - and this is to say nothing about her personally ridding the third world of land-mines and AIDs (the gay disease) and her part in solving world hunger.
Sure, she was a cock-jumping-social-parasite living off money forcefully taken from working people, but she brought the world such joy.
Diana: princess, woman, doctor, spirit, blood sucker, fine dancer, sex partner, dead.
cutting, acerbic; I like it.