I had to go out on my hack bike again to join family at a city farm - realised then my legs and lower back were toast.
Forgot to say thanks to Sam for leading us round his neck of the woods, and well done to all the (SM)TNRC virgins who endured a particularly gruelling introduction to the whole caboodle.
I got massive cravings for red wine too, and picked up a bottle earlier. Man can't live on instant protein drink alone.
I had to go out on my hack bike again to join family at a city farm - realised then my legs and lower back were toast.
Forgot to say thanks to Sam for leading us round his neck of the woods, and well done to all the (SM)TNRC virgins who endured a particularly gruelling introduction to the whole caboodle.
I got massive cravings for red wine too, and picked up a bottle earlier. Man can't live on instant protein drink alone.