Yeh DFP, the picture is real - Pifko said the bumper is plastic. The bike was firmly wedged between the bus and the road though. He ran into the back of me as I'd stopped at a red light and some passer-by took a picture on her iPhone. He had run me off the road onto the pavement beforehand, which we'd had a heated discussion about, so I guess he thought he'd "teach me a lesson" at the lights.
Exactly the same thing happened to me on Oxford St once. Trackstanding and suddenly the bike completely locked up, bus driver had run the bumper over the wheel then refused to move backwards despite a large group of people both on and off the bus yelling at him. Farking idiot.
Exactly the same thing happened to me on Oxford St once. Trackstanding and suddenly the bike completely locked up, bus driver had run the bumper over the wheel then refused to move backwards despite a large group of people both on and off the bus yelling at him. Farking idiot.