Right- just got a callback from Withington cycles, and it seems that my knakered BB shell has been knakered before, and someone fixed it then, which means they can't fix it again now because too much of the shell has been drilled out, or something. basically i need a new bike. FUCK.
anyone got a 56 beater road frame lieing around? whilst i'd love to buy a surly or something long term, at the moment i am skint and just need to get a polo steed that will last me a while!
Right- just got a callback from Withington cycles, and it seems that my knakered BB shell has been knakered before, and someone fixed it then, which means they can't fix it again now because too much of the shell has been drilled out, or something. basically i need a new bike. FUCK.
anyone got a 56 beater road frame lieing around? whilst i'd love to buy a surly or something long term, at the moment i am skint and just need to get a polo steed that will last me a while!