• #27
I was talking about RLJing in general in reference to Ed's point. I suspect the £2500 fine is scare tactics and probably bollox.
Almost every week there is a little RLJ trap set up at the lights where Earls Court Road meats Kensington high street, I regularly see three cyclists at a time getting busted. I never run that red, simples.
• #28
what fucks me off most of all is that when i was working a couple of times i was stopped with a few other cyclists and was the only one given a fine. When I started questioning the fuckers over why they'd let everyone else go they got the van over and threatened to put me in it if I carried on 'mouthing off', and that as a 'professional' I should know better. Fuck them.
• #29
Courier currently earn fuck-all right now, they earn something like £2 per package (I think), I recall it being a bit more than that a couple years ago, so for those who want to earn a decent wages, they really do need to shift as much package per hours to get the minimum (need someone to clarify courier's wages).
As for motorised vehicles jumping red light, that's frankly a different kettle of fish despite being a vehicle, the likeihood of getting killed by a motorised vehicles jumping by a red light increased dramatically.
They earn more than that.Some of them regularly take home £500 a week.You must work your arse off for that though,which usually means starting at 7.30am.
• #30
Courier currently earn fuck-all right now, they earn something like £2 per package (I think), I recall it being a bit more than that a couple years ago, so for those who want to earn a decent wages, they really do need to shift as much package per hours to get the minimum (need someone to clarify courier's wages).
As for motorised vehicles jumping red light, that's frankly a different kettle of fish despite being a vehicle, the likeihood of getting killed by a motorised vehicles jumping by a red light increased dramatically.
So that makes it ok to break the law then, so if I am in my two tonne car and jump a red light (I check to see if it safe to do so first then accelerate as the road is clear and no peds or curriers around) I am ok in saying in my defence I was only wanting to save on petrol as its expensive and I am a bit skint at the moment?
• #31
Mate, why are comparing a huge two tonnes cars to a bicycles??
• #32
I was talking about RLJing in general in reference to Ed's point. I suspect the £2500 fine is scare tactics and probably bollox.
Almost every week there is a little RLJ trap set up at the lights where Earls Court Road meats Kensington high street, I regularly see three cyclists at a time getting busted. I never run that red, simples.
They where there last week hiding by the entrance to Holland Park. Mini Cooper knows it well ;p
• #33
Mate, why are comparing a huge two tonnes cars to a bicycles??
Frankly everyone who uses the road abides by the same set of rules (in theory).
If a skinny Chinese guy gets in a fight in a club he can't ask for leniency from the bouncers on the grounds he's only small and not some big African fucker.
• #34
Mate, why are comparing a huge two tonnes cars to a bicycles??
I think it's stupid to say it's OK to RLJ on a bike but outrageous in a car. Check yourself before you wreck yourself Ed.
• #35
Mate, why are comparing a huge two tonnes cars to a bicycles??
A red light is a red light don't jump it or if you do the face the consequences when you get caught. I do it myself when on a bike especially when you get stopped every 200 yards whilst in London but I always check over my shoulder never jump a major junction and never plough through pedestrians whilst they are crossing the road like some cyclists but I never deliberately run a red whilst in my car as I know that I could kill someone.
But the next courier who tries to run me over when I am crossing the road will get a smack.
• #36
i got arressted once for 'being intoxicated in charge of a pedo-cycel'
• #37
The "price" is a court summons and possibly massive fine.
The NEFPN is a discretionary offer to summarily accept guilt, and pay a reduced amount, to save the tax payer the ballache of paying for it to go to court.
I don't know what the 'NEFPN' is but if you mean the fixed penalty notice then I was under the impression that you don't technically 'summarily accept guilt' when you pay it, it just means they get their cash and leave you alone. I'd be very suprised if you would be done for dangerous cycling or whatever the charge is by creeping through a red light. A bicycle is, after all, a carriage not an automobile in law.
• #38
@Tiswas - ha ha ha not yet ;p
• #39
I think it's stupid to say it's OK to RLJ on a bike but outrageous in a car. Check yourself before you wreck yourself Ed.
I didn't says it's okay to RLJ, I'm saying it's understandable for courier to RLJ that all.
• #40
ah a crafty edit by tiswas as I laboriously tapped away into the silence. Woe is me.
• #41
@ The OP, so did the copper give you any paper work? If not he was just trying to scare you in to being a more considerate road user. A lot of coppers would rather educate then prosecute (I should know as its not good to race unmarked police cars) but the powers to be set stupid targets to be met.
@Ed - no its not understandable for couriers to RLJ
• #42
But the next courier who tries to run me over when I am crossing the road will get a smack.
Will keep an eye out for you,tough guy.
• #43
The bike cops seem to be on a heavy enforcement drive in central/west end; I've seen 3 people being given tickets in two days on my commute before 8am.
• #45
in the last week i have seen police on bikes
- jumping a red
- cycling on the pavement
- cycling on the wrong side of the road
I personally jump a lot of lights around where I live in Leeds because I know the junctions and light patterns. 99% of the time its just when the 'green man' up. IF people are crossing the road then I always let them go and stop for them. However....how many pedestrians cross the road when the 'red man' is up, and cross the road willy-nilly without looking? I dont see anything wrong in doing that if they've really made sure nothing is coming (like i do on my bike) In reality a lot of them don't though. I've been hit twice by pedestrians in the last 6 months because they've walked out into the rod without looking or just run into me.
- jumping a red
• #46
It is clearly understandable, perhaps you mean it is unforgiveable?
No I think he was right first time.
• #47
Will keep an eye out for you,tough guy.
Hah! I don't think couriers regulalry try and run people over. Surely the whole point is to skillfully avoid them, whilst looking suave and dashing.
• #48
Diable's on the Advocaat.
Now you're just playing Diable's Advocaat.
• #49
Hah! I don't think couriers regulalry try and run people over. Surely the whole point is to skillfully avoid them, whilst looking suave and dashing.
As opposed to looking suave then crashing.
• #50
No I think he was right first time.
What you find it difficult to understand why couriers (or any one for that matter) run red lights? It's to get there quicker!
The idea that 'understandable' means anything other than 'comprehensible', or that in 'understanding' something you tacitly forgive the action is balderdash.
personally i treat all junctions the same, traffic lights or no traffic lights, i'm just concerned about not getting knocked off or not knocking anyone over. i do find it very irresponsible people who fly through red lights while pedestrians are crossing, whether they are sure they wont hit them or not, scaring them doesn't help our cause, i always give way to them...and then it's the open road.