it was compulsory for helmets last season, makes sense as people are riding close and doing things outside of normal comfort zone
the reason I said for helms last year was because they are compulsory for track, as the sessions were aimed at people wanting to ride track I thought they may as well get used to it. well, that and putting off fixie pricksters ;)
I never wore a lid on the road, but forced myself once I got more serious about track so I wouldn't find it uncomfortable or odd feeling when I did have to wear one. It worked!
last thing you want when you are lining up for a race is for any of your equipment or clothing to be bugging you.
the reason I said for helms last year was because they are compulsory for track, as the sessions were aimed at people wanting to ride track I thought they may as well get used to it. well, that and putting off fixie pricksters ;)
I never wore a lid on the road, but forced myself once I got more serious about track so I wouldn't find it uncomfortable or odd feeling when I did have to wear one. It worked!
last thing you want when you are lining up for a race is for any of your equipment or clothing to be bugging you.