• #27
• #29
Hope the cyclist is ok & well done Billa for doing your bit.
I've noticed groups of ped hoodies become more interested as I ride by and have wondered how long before the above happened.
As for d-locks, again the mantra is reasonable force
• #30
BlueQuinn yesterday
• #31
Given the inevitable knee-jerk D-lock response that these threads prompt, have any proponents of this form of justice actually D-locked anyone? If not, is that a) lack of opportunity, b) fear of legal consequences, c) don't mean it really, d) you're just a hero behind your PC, e) too cumbersome?
Just asking.....
• #32
FWIW its not 'new' people have been pushing cyclists off their bikes. There've been lots of reports of this particularly around Hackney, in streets, parks and on towpaths. Like someone said, its mostly about 'shits and giggles' - like when Object got jumped in Viccy park. The bike is just a focus of attention ... possibly cos the droogs know that people are likely to try to defend their bikes, esp. if it's a decent ride.
Well done Billa for responding. Perhaps you could have used a Dlock to restrain the little scrote you happrehended? (yeah yeah all you lawyers, I know, false imprisonment. But if you didn't hang about to take the rap, it'd be a cool way to leave the scumbag to face the music... or a shoeing).
This thread has reminded me of the excellence of 'Tolchocking' and given me a new one: 'getting huckled in the back of a meat wagon'.
• #33
fear of legal consequence for me.
would imagine you'd get done pretty badly for d-locking someone...
• #34
Nice one marky. Keep that one going... 'D lock justice is a myth!'
• #35
Hey..BMMF, look...^^^^^ sponging
• #36
That kind of apologist blame-everyone-but-the-criminal attitude legitimises these crimes and breeds more of the scum who commit them.
Society already provides housing, money, free education, universities and all manner of jobs for these feral little shits. It's not society's fault that they choose not to take advantage of that and instead embark on a life of crime and violence.
+1 that always gets right on my tits too. My Missus is a teacher and while she works at private all girls school, she is still very prone to that kind of view. Unfortunately there is no easy answer. The problems are endemic within the community, does boredom really cause this sort of behavior? No, bad parenting and a no accountability for actions does.
Gets blue coat... walks to the daily mail.
• #37
Given the inevitable knee-jerk D-lock response that these threads prompt, have any proponents of this form of justice actually D-locked anyone? If not, is that a) lack of opportunity, b) fear of legal consequences, c) don't mean it really, d) you're just a hero behind your PC?
Just asking.....
Surely this is not really justice, you are attacked and you have a right to reasonable self defence - anyway, d-locking is a bit cumbersome
• #38
That kind of apologist blame-everyone-but-the-criminal attitude legitimises these crimes and breeds more of the scum who commit them.
Society already provides housing, money, free education, universities and all manner of jobs for these feral little shits. It's not society's fault that they choose not to take advantage of that and instead embark on a life of crime and violence.
Want something else for them to do? I suppose we could conscript them into the army and send them to be blown up in Afghanistan? Was that what you meant?
Repped +1
Kill em all and let god sort em out
• #39
Surely this is not really justice, you are attacked and you have a right to reasonable self defence - anyway, d-locking is a bit cumbersome
I should have used "...." - I'm not saying it is justice, but a lot of people on here suggest it is, I'm just wondering whether it's all talk. I've just added your option e) :)
• #40
i belive that children are our future
• #41
I think I preferred this place when it was full of lillyliberal hipsters.
• #42
Not cool dude.
Sorry, there was an ironic intention in that last paragraph which has clearly failed to come across. I blame Object and his adverse reaction to smileys.
• #43
Given the inevitable knee-jerk D-lock response that these threads prompt, have any proponents of this form of justice actually D-locked anyone? If not, is that a) lack of opportunity, b) fear of legal consequences, c) don't mean it really, d) you're just a hero behind your PC?
Just asking.....
Option D.Unless you've actually been assaulted by a group of 15 people you have no fucking idea how you will react. As skully points out it happened to me back in January. The friend I was with had already managed to get away and he froze up when he realised what was happening, something I don't blame him for in the slightest.
I elected to take flight as quickly as possible and it's probably the only reason I got away with all my posessions apart from the 6 shades of shit they'd kicked out of me.
If I'd fought back I'd have been left for dead with none of my belongings.
The "D-Lock the cunt" mantra this site has developed is as misplaced as the belief of many that it's because the assailants are misguided. Wake the fuck up and realise some people are pure cold malicious. Until you've had someone stamping your head into the curb because they wanted to make their night more interesting, all whilst displaying a total lack of emotion, you have absolutely no way of knowing how you'll react.
• #44
Option D.
Unless you've actually been assaulted by a group of 15 people you have no fucking idea how you will react. As skully points out it happened to me back in January. The friend I was with had already managed to get away and he froze up when he realised what was happening, something I don't blame him for in the slightest.
I elected to take flight as quickly as possible and it's probably the only reason I got away with all my posessions apart from the 6 shades of shit they'd kicked out of me.
The "D-Lock the cunt" mantra this site has developed is as misplaced as the belief of many that it's because the assailants are misguided. Wake the fuck up and realise some people are pure cold malicious. Until you've had someone stamping your head into the curb because they wanted to make their night more interesting, all whilst displaying a total lack of emotion, you have absolutely no way of knowing how you'll react.
Having had this happen to me when i was living in cambridge i must concur with Em, even if id had a lock to hand, my only thought was to get away as quickly as possible (especially difficult as they had a car as well, with which they tried to follow me once id broken free of the attackers that were on foot).
PC vigilante's take note.
• #45
Option E) for me.... but rarely when the odds are stacked against - for anyone who thinks they could cope with a group, try sparring against at least 3 or more first - you will be in for a shock
• #46
That kind of apologist blame-everyone-but-the-criminal attitude legitimises these crimes and breeds more of the scum who commit them.
Society already provides housing, money, free education, universities and all manner of jobs for these feral little shits. It's not society's fault that they choose not to take advantage of that and instead embark on a life of crime and violence.
Want something else for them to do? I suppose we could conscript them into the army and send them to be blown up in Afghanistan? Was that what you meant?
BlueQuin = Partridge
- Scum, Sub-human Scum[/ame] -
• #47
Unless you're as Psycho as they are there's not a lot you can do beside initially act mental or show you have a lot of pride / massive balls so they leave you alone or get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible.
The government / police should be sorting it out - NY seems to have shown this can work....
• #48
... try sparring against at least 3 or more first - you will be in for a shock...
• #49
My only suggestion for this scenario, is anticipation.
In the past year I've noticed groups of boys eyeing me/my bike up, as I am approaching them, or going past. At first I thought nothing of it, and it was just curiosity. But after reading of bike-jackings, I realised that some of the kids might well want to relieve me of my bike.
So, now when I see groups of boys at a corner, or near the side of a street, and away from the safer commercial districts, I anticipate a burst of acceleration. AmI scared of getting a beating? Well, I wouldn't like it. But I do have a healthy respect for the knives that nearly all of these kids have easy access to. D-Lock versus a knife? No contest. The knife would be six inches deep inside someone, as the rider was trying to get the D-Lock out. This would only work if the cyclist had a D-Lock in their hand at all times when cycling.
• #50
Option D.
I elected to take flight as quickly as possible and it's probably the only reason I got away with all my posessions apart from the 6 shades of shit they'd kicked out of me.I reacted completely differently. Which shocked both myself and my girlfriend. My girlfriend works in upper clapton so i had decided to walk both our bikes up to her so we could cycle around and enjoy what was left of the evening. When I met we stood for a few minutes while she packed everything into her bag, as she was doing this she screamed and something hit me in my back. I turned thinking WTF to see 3 teenagers, the lead one said he wanted our bikes and the other one pulled my girlfriends out of my hand and laughed. At this point i simply got angry, i chucked my bike at the lead guy, unprepared he staggered backwards and then I let out a torrent of punches and kicks, which eventually led to me having a black eye and two of the assailants having a combination of broken jaw/ribs/ perforated eardrum?
I look back and think what a stupid position I put both myself and my girlfriend in, but part of me (the alpha male part) thinks I rock!
Not cool dude.