It's done now, and you've built a bike that is presumably a good fit and you'll get a lot of use out of (which is arguably more important than looks), so a moot point really, but the Gitane was a retro blue geared bike, and you wanted a modern black singlespeed, so why not ditch the Gitane and just buy an OTP black singlespeed instead of instead of sticking bits from the two together?
It's done now, and you've built a bike that is presumably a good fit and you'll get a lot of use out of (which is arguably more important than looks), so a moot point really, but the Gitane was a retro blue geared bike, and you wanted a modern black singlespeed, so why not ditch the Gitane and just buy an OTP black singlespeed instead of instead of sticking bits from the two together?