Nah, he does alright for himself really. He outlived our other two cats, and has his (3) feet firmly placed as master of the house.
Back on topic, the I wore the new swrve jeans on my commute in this morning, and they were much more comfortable than anything else I've worn. Apart from my Oakley shorts, but they're padded. However on the ride home, it was pissing it down and they were soaked through within 10 mins. Still remained comfortable, and didn't cling like nomal jeans would, so I'm happy. I was a bit surprised to see white foam appearing on my knees though, WTF?! Must be some sort of bizarre reaction with the rain, maybe the acid in the rain reacting with the wax coating, who knows. No apparent damage done though, although they're still drying out.
Aha, an example of the Swrve spunkbubble effect.
Do you have a tendency to mumble when you speak?