Unfortunately I'm a member of other internet fora, some involving motorised methods transports.
On these we also discuss security and usually have a definitive thread, on certain motorbike forums there are members who actively talk to thievies to learn how they work and inforrm the way they work so we can be better informed on how to defeat them.
A list of chains d-locks sizes does give an answer to which ones are good and which are not worth the money. Unless they are all worth the money, which I know to be wrong as the oxford d lock is on that list.
I searched for a similar thread and the closest is Fox's but does give the information I'm looking for.
Unfortunately I'm a member of other internet fora, some involving motorised methods transports.
On these we also discuss security and usually have a definitive thread, on certain motorbike forums there are members who actively talk to thievies to learn how they work and inforrm the way they work so we can be better informed on how to defeat them.
A list of chains d-locks sizes does give an answer to which ones are good and which are not worth the money. Unless they are all worth the money, which I know to be wrong as the oxford d lock is on that list.
I searched for a similar thread and the closest is Fox's but does give the information I'm looking for.