Sorry been super busy today, but would like to call a meeting for those interested....Pretty much everyone.
Firstly i need to catch up with Roxy, Mike, and Iain to go though what's been said to Hackney, Islington and Southwark already. As im sure you guys realise, Building a court isnt as simple as heres a bit of land lets level it and build some walls. Planning is a major issue.
Obviously we have a history of supporting residents and we are "pro"-cycling and look after the courts we occupy. All this and more needs to come together, IMO some kind of document/fesiblity study of our existing and other possible courts. I'm as you probably know i do this kinda thing all the time... This is probably easier than other projects i've worked on.
So i'm putting this date forward:
Thursday 8th October ***(next week) to get together.
Hopefully by then i would have met with R.M and I. Iain and i will probably head this up and speak to the relevant boroughs. I would suggest that a westie and southie could volunteer to do the same. I think its important that we cover all points of the compass as each court has very different needs.
Ps. If there is a major issue with the time this can be shifted.
Hi guys,
Sorry been super busy today, but would like to call a meeting for those interested....Pretty much everyone.
Firstly i need to catch up with Roxy, Mike, and Iain to go though what's been said to Hackney, Islington and Southwark already. As im sure you guys realise, Building a court isnt as simple as heres a bit of land lets level it and build some walls. Planning is a major issue.
Obviously we have a history of supporting residents and we are "pro"-cycling and look after the courts we occupy. All this and more needs to come together, IMO some kind of document/fesiblity study of our existing and other possible courts. I'm as you probably know i do this kinda thing all the time... This is probably easier than other projects i've worked on.
So i'm putting this date forward:
Thursday 8th October ***(next week) to get together.
Hopefully by then i would have met with R.M and I. Iain and i will probably head this up and speak to the relevant boroughs. I would suggest that a westie and southie could volunteer to do the same. I think its important that we cover all points of the compass as each court has very different needs.
Ps. If there is a major issue with the time this can be shifted.