• #127
Where did you preorder with the night goggles?
Got my game geek on!
I ordered them from HMV in January but they are limited edition and have all long gone.
• #128
PS3 controllers are terrible. XBox360 FTW
• #129
Anyone here play CS:S? Addicted to farcry atm. Im such a nerd when it comes to games. Would take me about 10 minutes to write out all my games. All on PC btw. Add me on steam : STEAM_0:0:21496075
PS. Left for dead is half price *UNTIL FRIDAY *in the steam store http://store.steampowered.com/app/500/
• #130
Also, anyone here play mods? I love mods as you get more value for your money. Portal prelude, Stryder mountain, Combine destiny, Chronoport are some of my favs atm.
• #131
I went through a Farcry 2 phase for a while, but the constant respawning of the check-points & enemies seeing you from miles away annoyed me.
• #132
I went through a Farcry 2 phase for a while, but the constant respawning of the check-points & enemies seeing you from miles away annoyed me.
Going to get it after I finish farcry 1, then imma get crysis. Might take a while though only getting to play a couple of minutes each day.
• #133
Anyone here play CS:S? Addicted to farcry atm. Im such a nerd when it comes to games. Would take me about 10 minutes to write out all my games. All on PC btw. Add me on steam : STEAM_0:0:21496075
PS. Left for dead is half price *UNTIL FRIDAY *in the steam store http://store.steampowered.com/app/500/
Mate do not talk to me about CS:S! Lost far too much of my life to that game. And every frikkin minute of it was AWESOME.
Crysis was brilliant. Yet to play Far Cry 2 though, but I have a copy for PS3 waiting for me. Next project after completing Batman...
• #134
Oh and i am surprised this argument hasn't already begun....but PS3 is rubbish...their controllers are terrible. XBox360 FTW
I have both (free PS3 with phone FTW) and i use the PS3 much more but never for games. I only use it for Blu-Ray and iPlayer. Xbox only gets used for gaming.
• #135
I have both (free PS3 with phone FTW) and i use the PS3 much more but never for games. I only use it for Blu-Ray and iPlayer. Xbox only gets used for gaming.
exactly, PS3 has nice fancy bits and bobs, but if you want to play a decent game, you gotta have an Xbox360. This is in part because the controller is so much better on the 360.
with re: Snes vs Megadrive....Snes is a clear winner with just one game: Mariokart. easily one of the best games of all time. I haven't played a mariokart game on a later console which matched the original for longevity and fun and the battlemodes just haven't been good enough
• #136
Horses for courses. I prefer the PS3 controller.
Does anyone know if you can get uber-classic games like Super Mario Land for the PS3...obviously would be pretty 'unofficial'...?
• #137
Horses for courses. I prefer the PS3 controller.
yeah I know, I just like starting arguments which are about matters of opinion! just never got on well with the Playstation control, except when playing Tenchu: Stealth Ninja Assassin on the PS1
• #138
any of you guys play steam games ? tf2 ? css ? add me if you like im "crazedandamazed" i'll set up a lfgss group when i get back home.
oh and also trackmania ? anyone play that ?
• #139
SNES: Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Pilotwings, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, the best conversion of Street Fighter II, Yoshie's Island, Donkey Kong Country, Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, Secret of Mana, F-Zero.
Mega Drive: Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3.
• #140
SNES: Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, Pilotwings, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, the best conversion of Street Fighter II, Yoshie's Island, Donkey Kong Country, Mario All-Stars, Super Metroid, Secret of Mana, F-Zero.
Mega Drive: Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2 and 3.
and sonic just got a little bit boring after a while
• #141
Mate do not talk to me about CS:S! Lost far too much of my life to that game. And every frikkin minute of it was AWESOME.
any of you guys play steam games ? tf2 ? css ? add me if you like im "crazedandamazed" i'll set up a lfgss group when i get back home.
I'd be up for some LFGSSCS:S action, or TF2 for that matter.
• #142
MW2! Cant wait! Also Borderlands should be good. Halo ODST was crap.
EA sent over Need for speed: Shift last week, and so far I´m really surprised to be enjoying it..
• #143
I am VERY EXCITED about this game. Dark Void, king of the rocketmen here I come.
YouTube - Dark Void - Gameplay Trailer 1
and this is why, loved this serial when they used to show it during the summer holidays when I was a kid. Always wanted a jetpack!
• #144
Incoming Alert:
BioShock 2, due February 9th, 2010.
YouTube - Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams - Teaser (Game Trailer HD)
Apart from the disappointing end boss, the original is one of the most finely crafted and paced games I've ever played. Turn the lights down and the sound up.
• #145
Oh and i am surprised this argument hasn't already begun....but PS3 is rubbish...their controllers are terrible. XBox360 FTW
shut up shut up SHUT UP
• #146
also, tiger woods golf is alright
• #147
on a ps3
• #148
Horses for courses. I prefer the PS3 controller.
Does anyone know if you can get uber-classic games like Super Mario Land for the PS3...obviously would be pretty 'unofficial'...?
I do know that I can get Duke Nukem 3D on the Xbox thought, that was lovely to play.
oh and Monkey Island in all it's splendor.
• #149
Please please please release Sam & Max on Xbox Arcade. The original, not the bollocks 3D one.
• #150
Crash Bandicoot was also awesome, and is available over PSN...
Alright no console wars in here, we had our fill during the SNES vs Mega Drive days!
SNES won, btw ;)