Jordon - i just want a day where i can walk into a shop and not see her pointless face. who gives a fuck!? you love him, you don't, you got raped, you got a txt message... they should hold a Jordon day and get all those twats who follow her life and life their pathetic dreams through her, can all attend. maybe someplace like earls court, get them all in a room for a special Jordon talk. when the pointless simpleton walks on stage, I enter stage right, to the theme of Rocky and at full sprint pull off a flying two arm falcon punch on the fully made up, fake tit'd talentless cow.
Then with the doors close i make my exit via helecopter through the ceiling before the whole place explodes wiping out the very failings of our society in one go.
Oh i'd bring James Martin in to run the kitchen for the day and leave him locked in and Peter Andre i'd let watch
Can I please enter stage left and do a flying drop kick to her facial? Can I also invite all of the Jade Goody fuck faces along to the bash?