I've got a load of BMX videos that I've just found while clearing out the attic. They're all VHS, but if anyone's interested they're free to a good home. Pickup from Barking preferred, but I can post at cost if you want - bit bulky though.
Vids are:
Props Roadfools 2, 3, 4 and 7 and Roadfools Europe (all riding guaranteed 531)
Best of Roadfools
Props Year End 2000
Props Best of 1998
Props Passport
Clicked 1-6
If I come across any more (think I've got a couple of US Ride ones too) I'll chuck them in.
EDIT: Just found the following:
Ride US - Basics
Ride US - Through the Lens
Seventies - Less is More
Soul - Spring 2002
If no-one wants them they'll go in the bin, so if you've still got a VHS player and want to see some awesome mid-school riding, give me a bell.
I've got a load of BMX videos that I've just found while clearing out the attic. They're all VHS, but if anyone's interested they're free to a good home. Pickup from Barking preferred, but I can post at cost if you want - bit bulky though.
Vids are:
Props Roadfools 2, 3, 4 and 7 and Roadfools Europe (all riding guaranteed 531)
Best of Roadfools
Props Year End 2000
Props Best of 1998
Props Passport
Clicked 1-6
If I come across any more (think I've got a couple of US Ride ones too) I'll chuck them in.
EDIT: Just found the following:
Ride US - Basics
Ride US - Through the Lens
Seventies - Less is More
Soul - Spring 2002
If no-one wants them they'll go in the bin, so if you've still got a VHS player and want to see some awesome mid-school riding, give me a bell.