just got my bike stolen from Tesco's in Whitechapel road.
totally gutted.
honestly, and im still in shock at how quick it happened.
so i walk in to Tescos's i don't have a lock with me, so I assess the situation and see the security guard right by the door. i mean literally next to it. ok, good.
Im with a work colleague and i ask him to keep an eye out for my bike which i put right in to tesco's, right next to the counter, with the security guard literally 1 foot away. I ask the security guard to look out for it and in fact, he rests his hand on my bike seat, so i feel confident.
so off i go to get my beef burgers i planed to buy, about 3 car length away, and by the time i get there, i hear some shouting, i look round, and my bike is gone.
What the holy fucking shit ???
so i run like a fucking mentalist, and he's gone, no where to be seen.
after speaking with the security guard and my friend, what happened was that the thief's friend asked for directions to the security guard which distracted him for 5 secs, in which time the thief got hold of my bike and was on his way.
My friend saw this immediately, and went for him and he was literally so fast that he could not catch him, cos the thief started riding it immediately.
security guard went running after him what seems miles down the road, and by the time i caught up with him he's lost sight of him, as the thief had caused loads of havoc by running reds lights at breakneck speed it seems and cars having to do emergency stops all over.
Well, this is what i was told and i could see everyone talking about how "crazy" that guy was.
Anyway, im here typing this and i feel ok about it, but it is hard to not feel angry at my friend, and the security guard and last but not least the thief.
This deserves to be in the epic fail thread, since the security guard was a foot away and my friend was a less than 2 meters away and they still couldn't do anything. For fuck sake.
Anyway i have some plans to get it back, as it is registered and all that, and besides the front wheel is put on with a pin-lock.
Hope the fuckers drill a hole in their eye, and die trying to remove it. cunts.
as you can see the pictures show different variations of parts, but basically the top picture is how it looks like now, but with white handlebar tape.
please please please, if you see it, grab it for me if you can and tell them it's yours. If anyone does help me get the bike bike, i'll see you straight with lifetime beers at drinks or a hefty wad of cash... honestly, whatever , just name it, i just want my bike back.
actually i'll go one step further and say now that to who ever manages to trace it will get £100.
anyone had any sightings of my bike ? even a mere glimpse ? please let me know if you have.