Hmmm. Interesting. I'm coaster brake only, but didn't feel like foot retention was helping my stopping power, instead I got grumpy with the having to change feet at stop lights with my feet being retented.
Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.
pretty much a perfect example of having foot retention on coaster, her bike is less a town bike, more of a path racer which she often cane it leaving me in the dust trying to keep up with her (which seemed to happen more and more regularly now much to my annoyance), so having foot retention helped greatly.
I suppose because your bike is more of a dutch-ordinated than a singlespeed racer where you don't really need foot retention, althought those JOL strap seemed pretty handy for the offending crank not being on the retented feet.
pretty much a perfect example of having foot retention on coaster, her bike is less a town bike, more of a path racer which she often cane it leaving me in the dust trying to keep up with her (which seemed to happen more and more regularly now much to my annoyance), so having foot retention helped greatly.
I suppose because your bike is more of a dutch-ordinated than a singlespeed racer where you don't really need foot retention, althought those JOL strap seemed pretty handy for the offending crank not being on the retented feet.