OK, so the way I see it, with a sprint biased for winter training I need to be doing something along the lines of:
per week:
2 weights sessions (atm I am doing 5x5 just above bodyweight squats and deadlifts)
2 road rides (2 hour) but what kind, geared or fixed and hills or not?
2 cadence sessions on rollers? (atm I am doing intervals with a 69" fixed gear on rollers for core stability and leg speed)
I'm sure there's more, but even if I do the rollers after the weights sessions, that's still 4 times a week. Sometimes with work I am lucky to get two training sessions of anything in, if I have a program I will miss things due to work being odd times and short notice (and pretty tiring in itself) At the moment I operate a "grab it when you can" policy (no rude jokes please! ) but still have trouble recovering. My peaks are very short and it seems as soon as I feel strong, fit and fast, a day or two later I am on the downslope which is steep and long then the long drag back up to fitness.
I suppose a turbo would help?
OK, so the way I see it, with a sprint biased for winter training I need to be doing something along the lines of:
per week:
2 weights sessions (atm I am doing 5x5 just above bodyweight squats and deadlifts)
2 road rides (2 hour) but what kind, geared or fixed and hills or not?
2 cadence sessions on rollers? (atm I am doing intervals with a 69" fixed gear on rollers for core stability and leg speed)
I'm sure there's more, but even if I do the rollers after the weights sessions, that's still 4 times a week. Sometimes with work I am lucky to get two training sessions of anything in, if I have a program I will miss things due to work being odd times and short notice (and pretty tiring in itself) At the moment I operate a "grab it when you can" policy (no rude jokes please! ) but still have trouble recovering. My peaks are very short and it seems as soon as I feel strong, fit and fast, a day or two later I am on the downslope which is steep and long then the long drag back up to fitness.
I suppose a turbo would help?
Any thoughts? (cough) Lee (cough) anyone?