It's probably usually dismissed because London's streets are a fixed width and trying to shoe horn in extra lanes is virtually if not actually impossible.
I think we need to be more focused here - the problem is lorries. What are we going to do about lorries? Especially left turning lorries. If we don't keep focused we're not going to achieve anything.
I wont be able to attend unfortunately. But I would like to suggest an agenda item. Seperate bike lanes.
I've used them in Sweden and Germany and have heard they now have them in New York. They are great for slow or especially vulnerable cyclists (like children). For some reason the idea is not popular here and is usually dismissed.
It's probably usually dismissed because London's streets are a fixed width and trying to shoe horn in extra lanes is virtually if not actually impossible.
I think we need to be more focused here - the problem is lorries. What are we going to do about lorries? Especially left turning lorries. If we don't keep focused we're not going to achieve anything.