GA2G calling autistic people 'austistics' reminded me of David brent saying 'disableds'.
What a fat , witless, thick twat.
nimbhus, at some stage I wrote that I had been educated in America. None of my primary or secondary education was in this country. Though I have lived here as an adult, I left as a very small child, and I still use terms not indigenous to this country.
I am certainly fat (and unfathomably proud of this affliction). Thats almost very astute of you. You are also right, that I am certainly lacking the sharp wit and insightfulness of BMMF (for example) - I can't deny that, as it is the easily recognisable truth. But should the day come when my brain function were measured against yours, I think I would do pretty well. I may not be the most intelligent person around, but I doubt that I am "thick". I presume I find myself rather intelligent actually, but if you disagree, then thats fair.
As for being a "twat", if that's the best you could do, it was hardly worth your effort. I had almost missed your barbs. Not quite yet though. Tragically for you, I am comfortable with your dislike and disdain. Its your perogative, and in truth, I do quite enjoy it.
nimbhus, at some stage I wrote that I had been educated in America. None of my primary or secondary education was in this country. Though I have lived here as an adult, I left as a very small child, and I still use terms not indigenous to this country.
I am certainly fat (and unfathomably proud of this affliction). Thats almost very astute of you. You are also right, that I am certainly lacking the sharp wit and insightfulness of BMMF (for example) - I can't deny that, as it is the easily recognisable truth. But should the day come when my brain function were measured against yours, I think I would do pretty well. I may not be the most intelligent person around, but I doubt that I am "thick". I presume I find myself rather intelligent actually, but if you disagree, then thats fair.
As for being a "twat", if that's the best you could do, it was hardly worth your effort. I had almost missed your barbs. Not quite yet though. Tragically for you, I am comfortable with your dislike and disdain. Its your perogative, and in truth, I do quite enjoy it.