The BAD thing though, is if Evans and CycleSurgery are able to put ParkerInternational and other similar retailers out of business,
then we will all lose, as Evans and CycleSurgery, once monopolising the market will send prices right up, and nobody could stop them.
If you can, do try to buy from Parker, or whoever have the lowest prices. Competition in the marketplace is good.
Evans make a huge mark-up on the bikes they sell anyway.
The BAD thing though, is if Evans and CycleSurgery are able to put ParkerInternational and other similar retailers out of business,
then we will all lose, as Evans and CycleSurgery, once monopolising the market will send prices right up, and nobody could stop them.
If you can, do try to buy from Parker, or whoever have the lowest prices. Competition in the marketplace is good.
Evans make a huge mark-up on the bikes they sell anyway.