I never buy meat substitutes at home, but I'm at my folks' and it's the only way my Mum knows how to cook for me. So it's been Linda McCartney sausages, country pies and nut cutlets all the way. To be honest they're alright, though not amazing. It's quite nice getting the mash or roast potatoes, (veg) gravy and two veg option, though – I've missed the trad thing a bit with all my poncey ways to get round eating animal produce.
Quorn's no good for proper vegetarians :-)
I never buy meat substitutes at home, but I'm at my folks' and it's the only way my Mum knows how to cook for me. So it's been Linda McCartney sausages, country pies and nut cutlets all the way. To be honest they're alright, though not amazing. It's quite nice getting the mash or roast potatoes, (veg) gravy and two veg option, though – I've missed the trad thing a bit with all my poncey ways to get round eating animal produce.