All Linda McCartney stuff is shit - always has been - suprised its still available even though its always 'on offer' .
Be gentle... back in the day the pies used to be wicked, but they f*cked with the recipe - too bad. Anyways, gawd bless her, she was a good photographer and had a lovely voice...
Quorn™ is made by the devil.
I'm going to defend the sausages - smear them in olive oil and give them a jolly good grilling + poached eggs on toast + shrooms + beans + brown sauce - makes for a good veggie fry up...
Be gentle... back in the day the pies used to be wicked, but they f*cked with the recipe - too bad. Anyways, gawd bless her, she was a good photographer and had a lovely voice...
I'm going to defend the sausages - smear them in olive oil and give them a jolly good grilling + poached eggs on toast + shrooms + beans + brown sauce - makes for a good veggie fry up...