reeen, 'lass' is a perfectly normal word for a woman or girl. No evil intentions behind it. That's one word you don't have to look up on urbandictionary--any normal dictionary will do. It's been around for a while.
...and i always thought that the urbandic actually IS a normal dictionary. it is in "Se Internetz" afterall so it must be important. i stand corrected. let me ask one favour, whot is a normal one like then?
You're not even a native English speaker, Oliver!
Reen, its short for lassbian.
no it isn't!
oi, actually it's reeen ... like The Queeen! anyway, given there is a slight chance you might not be 100% serious here, i let it slip!
...this time!
*wiggles hand with erected index finger
...and i always thought that the urbandic actually IS a normal dictionary. it is in "Se Internetz" afterall so it must be important. i stand corrected. let me ask one favour, whot is a normal one like then?
no it isn't!
oi, actually it's reeen ... like The Queeen! anyway, given there is a slight chance you might not be 100% serious here, i let it slip!
...this time!
*wiggles hand with erected index finger