its totally a personal choice, going brakeless RARELY affects anyone else.
Yes, you Might crash into a ped, but realistically your just as likely to crash and hurt someone else on Any bike, or even more so by driving a car...
what i'm saying is, that 95%+ of the time - you are only gonna hurt yourself - so, do it if You want to.
It also depends very much on the terrain you ride, up here in birmingham i would not go brakeless, my route to work includes a half mile downhill - where i hit over 30mph with corners - no amount of god like zen skillz would enable me to skid stop if i needed to - in that circumstance, locking the rear is tantamount to suicide, so i retain my front brake - for MY safety, not for anyone elses safety or Opinion of me.
its totally a personal choice, going brakeless RARELY affects anyone else.
Yes, you Might crash into a ped, but realistically your just as likely to crash and hurt someone else on Any bike, or even more so by driving a car...
what i'm saying is, that 95%+ of the time - you are only gonna hurt yourself - so, do it if You want to.
It also depends very much on the terrain you ride, up here in birmingham i would not go brakeless, my route to work includes a half mile downhill - where i hit over 30mph with corners - no amount of god like zen skillz would enable me to skid stop if i needed to - in that circumstance, locking the rear is tantamount to suicide, so i retain my front brake - for MY safety, not for anyone elses safety or Opinion of me.