• #77
Good point about the anodising. Think I've settled on orange anyways. Black hubs, best of both worlds! Keeping the seat post though, I feel sorry for it now...
• #78
Without sounding too narky, you have a lot of time on your hands, and I'm assuming you're not going to actually radial lace the rear wheel. Just checking?
• #79
And if you choose orange peeps may think you've plundered one of those trek carbon chain affairs.
• #80
I wanna try colours on my new frame.. (lazy:)
I think he's talking about the colour not the height... but you're right thats bad too.
[/quote]...Bonus is that at least the wheels are less likely to get stolen. :)[/quote]
I don't know - I recon more chance of theft. With a frame that colourful you don't need colour on the rims... but if you want colour try and get the powdercoated ones rather than anodised. Anodising always looks really cheap. I know the front rim will have a visible braking surface, but in time so will the ano's.