Finally got around to swapping my freewheel for a fixed cog, fitted some riser bars and a new back tyre (managed to grind through the last one while removing the canti-mounts from the frame!)
Still getting used the the fixed gear thing - getting up and down kerbs is a bit tricky currently and I'm yet to do a successful skid stop but I guess it'll come with practice! Need to sort out some clipless pedals or straps asap.
Next up is probably re-painting the frame and forks although it's currently quite theft-resistant!
Finally got around to swapping my freewheel for a fixed cog, fitted some riser bars and a new back tyre (managed to grind through the last one while removing the canti-mounts from the frame!)
Still getting used the the fixed gear thing - getting up and down kerbs is a bit tricky currently and I'm yet to do a successful skid stop but I guess it'll come with practice! Need to sort out some clipless pedals or straps asap.
Next up is probably re-painting the frame and forks although it's currently quite theft-resistant!