• #52
I have a double fixed on-one rear hub, 32H built onto mavic open sport. I weigh 100kg, I'm 6'4" and I commute from SW1 to SE23 through Vauxhall/Oval/Camberwell/Peckham/Deptford/Lewisham. Some truly terrible roads. I have a 25c bonty hardcase on the back and a 23c armadillo up front. So far, spinning straight and true despite some seriously hefty knocks. Build quality is all.
I got a lockring with my cog, I think. Also on-one. I'm seriously contemplating their crank too. Seems a little time with wet and dry paper would get rid of the logo, and presto! shiny silver cranks for cheapness!
• #53
mine have arrived. bloody fast turnaround. in one piece.
• #54
though the hubs are fine, and I ride one every day - I would not recommend the on-one lock rings. A CRACKING BIG FAIL!
1 Attachment
• #55
^ shit! What fits these On Ones BTW, lockrings?
• #56
Dura ace
• #57
yep Im getting some DA ones tonight...
(pretty sure these hubs are a standard lockring fit) -
• #58
Ah cool, I have one kicking about I think, cheers
• #59
People around here put stupid amounts or torque on their sprockets and lockrings.
And they pump their tyres up too hard.
And they have their saddles too high.
And they don't signal.
spunks on bile duct
Just built up the rear 32h/Excellight/CX-ray.
Spins very smoothly in the hand, and those rims are well balanced/come into true very easily.
I'll give 'em a test ride tomorrow if I can get the front built up before breakfast...