The CICA rules have changed since I received my award.
However I think the OP does meet the minimum requirements for the minimum award of £1,000.
Can't find mention of an aneurysm (don't understand the terminology on the form) - but it should be worth $$$$/$$$$$
*Note 12: Minor multiple physical injuries will qualify for compensation only where the applicant has sustained at least 3 separate physical injuries of the type illustrated below, at least one of which must still have had significant residual effects 6 weeks after the incident. The injuries must also have necessitated at least 2 visits to or by a medical practitioner within that 6-week period. Examples of qualifying injuries are: *
*a) grazing, cuts, lacerations (no permanent scarring) *
*(b) severe and widespread bruising*
*(c) severe soft tissue injury (no permanent disability) * (d) black eye(s) (e) bloody nose (f ) hair pulled from scalp
*(g) loss of fingernail *
The CICA rules have changed since I received my award.
However I think the OP does meet the minimum requirements for the minimum award of £1,000.
Can't find mention of an aneurysm (don't understand the terminology on the form) - but it should be worth $$$$/$$$$$
*Note 12: Minor multiple physical injuries will qualify for compensation only where the applicant has sustained at least 3 separate physical injuries of the type illustrated below, at least one of which must still have had significant residual effects 6 weeks after the incident. The injuries must also have necessitated at least 2 visits to or by a medical practitioner within that 6-week period. Examples of qualifying injuries are: *
*a) grazing, cuts, lacerations (no permanent scarring) *
*(b) severe and widespread bruising*
*(c) severe soft tissue injury (no permanent disability) *
(d) black eye(s)
(e) bloody nose
(f ) hair pulled from scalp
*(g) loss of fingernail *