• #252
I am well is the correct answer.
Aram makes fun of me for using that...
• #253
Alright? drives me bonkers. I can't figure out the proper response! It's the same as when I was in Spain, Que tal? I uh....alright?
• #254
Just about anything a bloke I work with says including: Para (short for paragraph) The boys (the rest of his colleagues) Bucks (US dollars) Gig (any job we are doing - we don't have anything to do with music) ....I could go on but just thinking about the fucking middle class fulham twat makes me mad......I need a holiday.
...and he starts all his emails with 'Guys'.....grrrrrr
• #256
"to be honest..."
**means that whatever preceded and followed the current statement was, and will be, rubbish."trust me"
• #257
I am 'repurposing' my Friday evening and instead of a quiet one in with the missus I'm going get as pissed as a twunt
• #258
@ zep + 'with respect' - means without any respect at all
• #259
I did a TEFL course and the teacher would always say "to a degree" when what she actually meant was "no, oh my god you fuckwit that's obviously totally wrong"
• #260
sorry, the ^^^ was irrelevant
• #261
"I seen that"
Stop it, stop it now, you saw it, SAW IT!
• #263
"Colourway" unless your talking about clothing its a colour-scheme.
When people say "its me" instead of "It is he/she" or "speaking" on the phone.
• #264
"Colourway" unless your talking about clothing its a colour-scheme.
oh God thank you, that is so fucking annoying
• #265
Wouldn't have had the same appeal if the lyrics were "I feel well" would it?
How about "I feel well good"?
• #266
@ zep + 'with respect' - means without any respect at all
I actually thought that was a polite way of disagreeing with your peers.
(with respect)
• #267
I feel well good bro innit.
• #268
@ zep + 'with respect' - means without any respect at all
"With the utmost respect" means "twunt"
• #269
"seen" and "been" used instead of "seeing" and "being".
e.g. "seen as how you are going to the shops can you pick me up some beer..." -
• #270
'with respect' - depends in which context it's used - I used to manage contact centre advisers who would use it whilst arguing the toss with customers - it became one of those phrases that spread like wild fire throughout the dept
• #271
I feel well
I knew that I would
I feel well
I knew that I would
So well
So well
That I gots you -
• #272
This is a bit like a conversation at the pub that's been going on too long and is making people weep with boredom.
I'm going to the bar.
• #273
^ Bristol mate, you knows it
• #274
I just received a text from my disability job adviser re: handlebars, and he wrote "Nearly their"
• #275
That is not a figure of speech. This thread is broken and dead.
I can't believe I'm still posting
That Phil Liggeture is doing the commentary for TDF today