Right - printed off a few route sheets, and some maps. It's a convoluted route, with plenty of scope for getting lost as half the minor roads have no name (according to Google Maps).
Anyone who's going needs to get to Piccadilly with plenty of time to spare. The train to Chapel is a through train, so you have to get to platforms 13 & 14, also need to have a ticket beforehand as they normally have inspectors at those platforms who won't let you down to 'em without one.
Right - printed off a few route sheets, and some maps. It's a convoluted route, with plenty of scope for getting lost as half the minor roads have no name (according to Google Maps).
Anyone who's going needs to get to Piccadilly with plenty of time to spare. The train to Chapel is a through train, so you have to get to platforms 13 & 14, also need to have a ticket beforehand as they normally have inspectors at those platforms who won't let you down to 'em without one.