i take it that's sarcasm, especially as i noticed there are 3 10% hills on that road that I thought would be all downhill..well can we see how we feel?? i know i'll be HUNGRY!!!
SO, it's 7 weeks to ventoux and 14 weeks to tour of the peak. should we get some dates written in so i stop shaking and worrying??
PLEASE FILL IN SOME RIDES- plus a Yorkshire one. What about 8th August for Yorkshire (SETH?) there's a commonplace benefit gig on in leeds after though i expect we shall possibly feel too tired??!!
Saturday 25th July: 5pm (after watching ventoux) Ride to cheshire. I wrote up the wizard but maybe we should do C+F too? http://www.bikehike.co.uk/mapview.php?id=12091 (60 miles)
is this too much after people have possibly been drinking all day?
maybe option B too and weigh it up on the day?? www.bikehike.co.uk/mapview.php?id=12094 (35 miles) (Ronnie away)
Saturday 1st August: (nes poss away) I'll be doing a ride on the Saturday
Saturday 22nd August: Blackstone edge and Holme moss (78 miles) www.bikehike.co.uk/mapview.php?id=12090
is this too evil though?? was thinking evil before Ventoux might be good??
Saturday 29th August: (Nes away)
Saturday 5th August VENTOUX!!!!!
Saturday 19th September
Saturday 26th September
Saturday 3rd October
Saturday 10th October Yorkshire?
Saturday 17th October
Saturday 24th Ocotber TOUR OF THE PEAKS!!!!
Dunno about September yet, but when we return from Ventoux, we need to be out every week doing hills up to Tour of the Peak. I might try and get some Tue or Thu evening rides up the C&F and that area in too.
Dunno about September yet, but when we return from Ventoux, we need to be out every week doing hills up to Tour of the Peak. I might try and get some Tue or Thu evening rides up the C&F and that area in too.