• Did you do any steep climbs with the bottles full?

    I'd imagine the extra weight would make the front end feel more seated, but then its only 1.5 Kgs, so maybe I'm talking poo.

    I didn't even notice they were there regarding handling...i certainly passed enough people on climbs so i don't think they were slowing me down. :)

    I'm really quite puzzled as to why people seem to think that having bottles mounted on the forks is going to make anywhere near as much difference to handling or aerodynamics as panniers mounted on the forks, or a top mount bag on the front rack, or a handlebar bag. etc...i didn't even notice them...they were far easier to access than saddle mounted bottles...even a seat tube mounted bottle is more awkward to get to when your legs are constantly spinning due to riding fixed.....i simply had to lean forward and slightly down and there they were. Perfect. :)

    I've been noticing quite a few setups with fork mounted bottles lately...makes perfect sense to me...use whatever space you have as wisely as possible.
