Hi all thanks so much for volunteering, it's really a great show of support!
On Friday, please keep in mind that if you're housing players we'll be asking you to pick them up at Tour De Ville after registration (between 6-8). We'll all be going to a local pub then so I hope that all volunteers will come out for the meet and greet then too!
If you can house players for Friday-Monday, contact matt.vidal at ehbpc dot org.
Hi all thanks so much for volunteering, it's really a great show of support!
On Friday, please keep in mind that if you're housing players we'll be asking you to pick them up at Tour De Ville after registration (between 6-8). We'll all be going to a local pub then so I hope that all volunteers will come out for the meet and greet then too!
If you can house players for Friday-Monday, contact matt.vidal at ehbpc dot org.
This is going to be fantastic!!