Jen - I boughted you some rum especially, hope you're ok. When DJ heard you weren't coming he gobbled it all down.
James must be forced to answer for stealin' a hurt girl's rum!
glad your ok Jen. hope you weren't too badly shaken *ambulances are free in england :)
Well, I'm just going by the doc's statement that I may still get a bill. Even had a tetanus shot! Thank god it didn't hurt.
Great night. Heal up Jenne, that photo looked nasty.
Thanks, matt, I was glad we took it, though don't have any of the gash itself. Doc said she could see the bone through the skin when she pushed it apart to check for debris! ewww!
James must be forced to answer for stealin' a hurt girl's rum!
Well, I'm just going by the doc's statement that I may still get a bill. Even had a tetanus shot! Thank god it didn't hurt.
Thanks, matt, I was glad we took it, though don't have any of the gash itself. Doc said she could see the bone through the skin when she pushed it apart to check for debris! ewww!