• I think this forum is going downhill thanks to whinging miserable gits that have been here a while, not due to newbie numpties, if anything they provide much of the entertainment round here, which helps to numb the brain pain from all the whinging taking place.

    What you seem to forget though James is that it was the 'Whinging miserable gits' that helped to make this forum such a great place that all these 'newbie numpties' wanted to join in the first place....and that it's usually these 'whinging miserable gits' that have the knowledge to answer all the questions that these 'newbie numpties' come on here to ask.

    The entertainment these 'newbie numpties' provide is usually based on the fact that a lot of them don't have the knowledge, respect, or even the desire to start threads that have anything to offer on the subject of cycling, so they fill the place with pointless shite...and incase you hadn't noticed, it's usually the 'whinging miserable gits' pointing out what pointless shite it is that provides the entertainment you speak of.

    This forum is big enough to allow for a lot of different subjects, discussions, jokes, shit talking etc....they're all ingredients in the final mix....but when people join up and just post nothing but useless shite....never so much as a single constructive thread or comment it shows a lack of respect for the forum in my opinion.
    That's why a lot of people who were here from the start...who helped make the forum so good that thousands of people wanted to join have now stopped posting.

    Personally speaking, if wanting to keep bikes and cycling as the main focal point of the forum, and not wanting to read shit about whether someone likes people cumming in their mouth...or what they think of 'axe wounds and cunts' and all the other shit i've read lately makes me a 'whinging miserable git'...then i'm fine with that.

    The absolute best thing about the forum now isn't the forum itself...it's the social side that has grown out of it...again, most of which have been started by the 'whinging miserable gits'.

    Before anyone says it...i know things change, things grow, nothing stays the same....I love that so many people want to be a part of this place...but when people have such little respect for the people and the subject that helped create this place...it's kind of sad.

    That should help cement my reputation as an argumentative, whinging, miserable git!
