Mmcarthy, I am not accusing you of being a car loving nazi nor I am a car hater. I just know the damage that a car accident does having lost my 23-year old brother in one. My parents had to identify his body and only told me a few years later (I was 15 when he died) that he looked 20 years older and that they knew that he had suffered and that he was scared. It was 2am, he was probably going too fast, overtook a car, he hit a fog patch and had to avoid a car coming ahead. He was a very good driver and we were told that he had a very good reaction and avoided a much bigger accident, ie no one else died.
Mmcarthy, I am not accusing you of being a car loving nazi nor I am a car hater. I just know the damage that a car accident does having lost my 23-year old brother in one. My parents had to identify his body and only told me a few years later (I was 15 when he died) that he looked 20 years older and that they knew that he had suffered and that he was scared. It was 2am, he was probably going too fast, overtook a car, he hit a fog patch and had to avoid a car coming ahead. He was a very good driver and we were told that he had a very good reaction and avoided a much bigger accident, ie no one else died.
Too many people die this way.