It's quite a nice little rise - I head over that way from time to time on 42x16, up Montem Road, round the wiggle onto Brockley view and then (after enjoying the view) drop down into Crofton Park.
I just love Blythe Hill fields - amazing views, really wide skies. Good sledging back at the beginning of February as well!
Brockley view is ridiculously steep, don't think I've ever seen anyone try it on a bike.
It's quite a nice little rise - I head over that way from time to time on 42x16, up Montem Road, round the wiggle onto Brockley view and then (after enjoying the view) drop down into Crofton Park.
I just love Blythe Hill fields - amazing views, really wide skies. Good sledging back at the beginning of February as well!